Mindfulness is not meditation dhyana meditation mindfulness personal practice practice May 27, 2024

One of the problems with trying to teach real Yoga to a wider audience these days is that social media can disseminate wrong ideas so widely and so quickly that it’s difficult to contain or correct them. (Instagram in particular is a hotbed of yoga disinformation.) Content creators may have...

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The grief we refuse to feel christianity divine true nature easter integration jesus oneness practice resistance separation spiritual awakening Apr 04, 2024

The fundamental problem for humanity isn’t any of the things we commonly fight over. The problem, if we’re courageous enough to look at it, is that every last one of us suffers from a broken heart. 

I don’t care how fortunate your situation in life appears to be or how much...

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Savasana: The most difficult pose asana death integration practice savasana surrender wisdom Jan 20, 2024

Most asana classes conclude with savasana, aka “corpse pose.” In it, we lie on our backs with eyes closed, muscles absolutely relaxed, breath quieting nearly to the point of cessation.

Easy, right? Not always … when I gaze out over the class during final savasana,...

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What is Enlightenment, Pt. 2 adyashanti awakening ego enlightenment spiritual awakening wisdom Jan 02, 2024

In my previous post, I alluded to my teacher’s statement that receiving the answers to life’s “big questions” is bound to disappoint. Not long after I shared that post, I came across a reel of the contemporary teacher Adyashanti talking about essentially the same...

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What is Enlightenment? attachment awakening enlightenment practice resistance surrender wisdom Nov 07, 2023

Once, in a satsang, I asked one of my teachers, “Will we ever get the answers to the ‘big questions?’” 

His answer: “Yes, but they will disappoint you.”

As someone who had long equated “enlightenment” with bliss, paranormal experiences and...

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Kundalini, Fact & Fiction awakening enlightenment integration kundalini personal practice spiritual awakening yoga Nov 03, 2023

Kundalini looms large in the imagination of the casual yogi, as though it’s some kind of mystical beast that one can either ride successfully or be incinerated by. (We Westerners do love a hero story, especially when the hero is us.) Kundalini Shakti usually is conceptualized as the...

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What is the ego? (Spoiler: It doesn’t exist) awakening ego enlightenment integration practice wisdom Oct 03, 2023

The ego doesn’t actually exist. That is, it’s not anything you can point to as a discrete “thing.” Nonetheless, we treat it like one; that’s because the human brain evolved to operate in the physical world, so its most basic processing requires it to refer to...

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The ego traps of social media adyashanti awakening ego enlightenment practice social media wisdom yoga Sep 30, 2023

Another day … another avalanche of beautiful “yoga” bodies and “you are special” memes in my Instagram feed. Apologies if I sound like a bit of a crank, but I’m beginning to wonder if part of my mission here isn’t to temper some of the...

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The components of your personal practice meditation personal practice practice pranayama sadhana yoga ignition Sep 07, 2023

One of the core tenets of Yoga Ignition is that in order to get the most out of yoga, you need a personal practice that takes precedence over whatever classes you take in the studio. Studio classes are valuable, of course, but they are often limited only to asana.

Your personal practice, on...

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Does Yoga = Happiness? happiness integration personal practice yoga yoga results Sep 04, 2023

One of my teachers asked me, “What do you want?” At first I thought it was a trick question. “In what context?” I demanded. “I need some parameters.” But he just repeated the question. After thinking a bit, and hoping to comes across as a Very Serious Yogi, I...

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The value of ‘sitting in the fire’ motivation personal practice resistance surrender tapasya Sep 01, 2023

It’s a good bet that ad man Dan Wieden wasn’t thinking of Patanjali when, in 1988, he coined one of the most famous slogans of all time for a shoe company in Oregon: three short words that we now automatically associate with world class athletic performance.

Just do it. 


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You Need a Personal Yoga Practice Outside the Studio. Here’s Why. interdimensional yoga meditation personal practice practice yoga ignition Aug 24, 2023

Typically when somebody says “I do yoga,” they mean that they attend asana classes in a studio or perhaps take them privately or online. They also may sit for meditation and practice pranayama at home — even better. But I’ve met few who maintain a dedicated, comprehensive,...

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